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Introductory sentence here.

An overview of experimental Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) poisoning programs in northern Ontario, 1956 to 1964


Indiscriminate, Inhumane and Irresponsible: Compound 1080 Is no longer an acceptable form of wildlife management

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Poisoning wolves with strychnine is unacceptable in experimental studies and conservation programmes

Conservation Biology.jfif

International perspectives on and experiences with human–wildlife conflicts were explored to develop principles for ethical wildlife control. 

Wildlife conservation and animal welfare: Two sides of the same coin?
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, May, 2010

The notion that animal welfare applies to wildlife has escaped many animal welfarists and conservationists.

It is possible to integrate ethical aspects of wildlife conservation and animal welfare, and encourage a ‘wildlife welfare’ ethic among conservationists.

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